Carlos Muñoz Ferrada 是一位智利的天文學和地質學家,他生於 1909 年,死於 2001 年,終年 92 歲。 他曾準確地在數天前預測發生在 1939 年 1 月 24 日的智利奇廉市 8.3 級大地震,是次地震導致超過五萬人死亡、六萬人受傷,這和他所預測的時間只相差了四小時。因他準確預測這日智利會發生大地震而震驚全國。
其後他亦相繼準確地預測發生於 1965 年 3 月 28 日,智利拉利瓜市(La Ligua)的 7.4 級大地震,及發生於 1985 年 3 月 3 日,智利聖地亞哥 ── 德智利 Santiago de Chile 的 8 級大地震 。
他亦是首位專家預測到著名的哈雷彗星,在 1996 年將會再次穿過太陽系時,會改變速度而比之前更接近太陽的情況。到 1996 年 2 月 12 日,事件果真如他所預測的一樣發生,哈雷彗星提前了 36 小時到達近日點。
最仙人驚訝的是,Carlos Muñoz Ferrada 早已在 1940 年預測,並計算出一顆彗星型的行星將會出現在全人類眼前,即現今人類所說的 Planet X。
他在 1999 年 6 月 28 日,以 90 歲的高齡接受波多黎各電視台第四頻道的訪問,內容便談及他所發現的這顆彗星型的行星,或行星級的彗星。
他指出這行星是環繞我們的太陽和另一顆「黑太陽」運行,擁有一個橢圓形軌道;他甚至早已計算到 Planet X 運行的三種不同速度,分別是環繞我們的太陽、另一顆「黑太陽」和在兩者中間的速度。而他稱 Planet X 為 Hercolubus,這是拉丁美洲人對 Planet X 的稱呼,意思是紅色的星球。
他說,當 Planet X 接近地球的時候,將會為全人類帶來一場「大災難」,並且如同睡夢先知 Edgar Cayce和遙視者 Ed Dames 曾預言,地球將會出現地軸和磁場的轉移,而這一顆行星正在接近地球,但人類卻未預備好 Planet X 的來臨。
在影片中 Carlos Muñoz Ferrada 指出 Planet X 的接近,會令地球三個位置出現大地震,第一是歐洲的法國和西班牙之間,第二是南美洲智利的太帄洋沿岸,第三是印尼的蘇門答臘和爪哇,而這三個地點都是近年 Webbot 所預測,將會出現大地震而產生「全球性海岸線事件」的地方之一。
明顯地,從上述的影片可以得知,Planet X 是真的存在,亦已經有不少人預測到,它將會在短時間內劇烈地影響地球,並帶來毁滅性的大災難,就是《聖經 啟示錄》所預言的。但這一個事實亦是美國太空總署和世上的君王、元首、政要、首富和精英所極力隱瞞世人的。雖然他們已經在 1972 年把Planet X 和黑太陽的資料列印在百科全書中;
並在 1983 年發射人造衛星紅外線望遠鏡,證實 Planet X存在的事實;
(詳見本網誌文章:世界各國一同發射人造衛星望遠鏡,為要尋找 Planet X)
影片:訪問Carlos Muñoz Ferrada
節目主持對Carlos Muñoz Ferrada的介紹:
Carlos Muñoz Ferrada, astronomer, scientist and seismologist.
Carlos Muñoz Ferrada,天文學家、科學家和地震學家。
For more than half a century he has amazed the world with his astronomical and geophysical predictions.
One of his most astounding predictions, was published in the newspaper “El sur” from Concepcion, of
Thursday, January 19th, 1939.
其中一個最驚人的預測,刊登在 1939 年 1 月 9 日星期四出版的報章《El sur》上。
That day, he predicted that on January 24 of that year, at 7:10pm, an earthquake would devastate Chile, but
no one believed.
他預言那年的 1 月 24 日晚上 7 時 10 分,一個地震會摧毀智利,但無人相信。
Indeed, with only four hours apart, his prediction was fulfilled. At 11:29 pm, for 18 seconds Chile shook. A
major earthquake destroyed five provinces in southern Chile, killing 40,000 people. The people were
terrorized and everything was destroyed.
結果正如他所說的,只相差四小時,他的預言應驗了,晚上 11 時 29 分,智利震動了 18 秒,大地震蹂躪智利南部的五個省份,4 萬人死亡,人都嚇破了膽,損毀嚴重。
In the minds of those who survived there was the memory of the man who had announced it a few days
The predictions of Muñoz Ferrada, continued to confirm as time went by.
Muñoz Ferrada 的預測,隨時間過去進一步應驗。
A series of earthquakes between May 21 and 25, 1960, the powerful tsunami that reached Alaska, the great earthquakes of 1965 in Ligua and the earthquake in 1985, in Valparaiso, Chile, are some his correct
predictions that modern scientists haven’t been able to explain yet.
1960 年 5 月 21 至 25 日一連串地震,阿拉斯加強力海嘯,1965 年 Ligua 大地震,1985 年智利瓦爾帕萊索地震,他皆能準確預測,連現付科學家也無法解釋。
With his dynamic geoscience, this genius scientist has surpassed all laws of modern astronomy.
Through his calculations, not only predicted numerous earthquakes, geothermal explosions and climate
changes in all parts of the world.
He also discovered new comets and planets deciphering their trajectories, mass, brightness, color, sidereal
coordinates and orbital motions with amazing accuracy before being seen by the large telescopes in the
This generated an astonishment in the world, leading to the Royal Astronomical Society of London to
reshape its policy, stating that “due the unusual case of Mr. Muñoz Ferrada, all new comet would take the
name of the one who first calculated and not from the one who discovered it by chance with a telescope.
震撼全球,倫敦皇家天文學會因此修訂政策,指出由於 Muñoz Ferrada 的不尋常發現,所有新彗星會取名於首先計算的人,而非以望遠鏡發現的人。
Muñoz Ferrada was also the first to give knowledge about the trajectory and disturbances the famous
Halley comet would go through in its passage through the solar system. He indicated that at the last second
the comet would alter the speed and go closer to the Sun.
Muñoz Ferrada 亦是首位預測,著名哈雷彗星穿過太陽系時的軌跡和干擾。他說,在最後一秒,彗星會改變速度接近太陽。
Indeed, on February 12, 1996, that really happened. The bright comet got ahead 36 hours in its orbital and
spent more time near the Sun to 85 million kilometers.
1996 年 2 月 12 日,這事真的發生了,這明亮的彗星提前了 36 小時,花更多時間靠近 8.5 千萬公里外的太陽。
After 59 years of research, this great scientist shudders again the foundations of modern astronomy, and in
his 90 years old he breaks his silence to reveal the trajectory and the terrible consequences that, very soon,
Hercolubus, the comet planet, as he calls it, will have on our world.
經過 59 年的研究,這位偉大的科學家,再次搖撼現代天文學基礎,90 歲的他打破沉默,揭示彗星行星 Hercolubus 的軌跡,即將對全球產生可怕的影響。
以下是節目主持和 Carlos
Muñoz Ferrada 的對話:
Carlos Muñoz Ferrada 的說話為藍色。
It is very interesting that you did a study and traced with calculations and all the orbit of this comet planet,
that you say it’s a comet-planet because its movement is not a normal thing.
No. That it has different speeds.
It’s a comet-planet because it has an elliptical orbit like a comet, and because it has great mass as a planet.
And that’s why I call it comet-planet. And it is a planet with tail.
Muñoz Ferrada explains that this great star approaching, loaded with cosmic energy, does not respect the
established laws of celestial mechanics. It has an elliptical orbit and travels between our Sun and a black
sun that is 32 billion kilometers away.
Muñoz Ferrada 解釋,這巨大的星體靠近,滿載宇宙能量,並不遵守既定的天體力學法則。有橢圓形的軌道,穿梭於太陽和 320 億公里外的黑太陽之間。
So here in this chart you show us that on this side is the Earth, our Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
Yes, sir.
And he enters the orbit here, passing very close to our Earth.
14 million kilometers away. - 14 million kilometers
距離 1,400 萬公里,1,400 萬公里。
So here, in your chart, you show us the dead star, the dead Sun.
- This one.
And around this dead sun, it rotates.
Here, at 92 kilometers per second.
速度達每秒 92 公里。
So, in addition to these 92 kilometers per second, it has another speed which is more terrifying, isn’t it?
除了每秒 92 公里外,還有其他轉速,更是可怕,不是嗎?
It has 3 speeds!
Muñoz Ferrada confirms that this planet travels at 3 speeds : One around the black sun at 92 km/s. Another, close to our Sun, at 76 km/s. and a third full speed. - The full speed,
Muñoz Ferrada 確定此行星以三種速度運行:首先以每秒 92 公里環繞黑太陽,接近太陽時每秒 76 公里,也有第三種速度,就是全速前進。
it keeps for half the orbit, at 300 km/s. That is, one thousandth of the speed of light.
以每秒 300 公里運行半個軌跡,等同光速的千分之一。
It is very fast.
Soon, events will take place that will allow Hercolubus be seen with the naked eye.
事情即將會發生,人將以肉眼看見 Hercolubus 行星。
This body will not go unnoticed, everyone will see.
There will be a lot of confusion.
More than confusion.
And they will give many interpretations about it.
Astronomers will say that what we will see is Mars or any other planet. But in reality, is Hercolubus.
天文學家會說,那是火星或是其他行星,但其實是 Hercolubus。
What consequences will it bring to our planet?
The most terrifying. And then…everyone holds up as they can…
Muñoz Ferrada predicts three major earthquakes …
Muñoz Ferrada 預測三次嚴重大地震。
I’ve calculated 3 triangulated spots of high approached seismicity:
the northern Mediterranean coast, between France and Spain.
The Southern Pacific coast, from Valparaiso to Arequipa.
And Java, Sumatra and Borneo.
3 spots.
These spots will go through earthquakes of volcanic nature.
Hercolubus will cause devastating earthquakes and a great transformation.
Hercolubus 將引發災難級地震及巨大變動。
The large gravitational field that brings this new star, which hasn’t penetrated for 13,000 and that 13,000
years ago, were the times of the lost Atlantis, has resonance and effects that produce reflections and
weaknesses…will cause a big change.
龐大引力場把星體拉近地球,這星體已 1.3 萬年沒靠近,1.3 萬年前正是亞特蘭蒂斯消失之時,隨之而來的共震及各種效應,引致地震波反射及地殼變弱......促使巨變。
This big change… It is since 1940, isn’t it?
此巨變從 1940 年開始,不是嗎?
That you have studied this star.
Here are 59 years of documentation…and that major change: is it a human change? And besides, the
Earth… because it indicates a pole shift.
這些都是 59 年來的資料,那巨變是否人類的轉變?此外,地球會出現地軸轉移。
It’s geophysical and human.
And it is said that there will be a change of the Earth’s magnetic poles.
There are so many things, which is unfortunate…mankind is not ready.
The change comes. The destruction comes. And above all, will affect humanity in its existence, in its
production and in its own subsistence.